Dungeon Maps

A dungeon map I pulled off of the Wikapedia Commons which was labeled free to use or modify

Dungeon maps. These are a chore that every dungeon master must complete in order that his delvers can enjoy slaying innocent dungeon dwellers and stealing their treasures. Above is an example of a dungeon map image called Warrek’s Nest. I have no idea who or what Warrek is but the map is nicely done. But, of course, it could be improved. 

Numbered Encounter Areas

I always number my encounter areas. Perhaps this artist has not yet done so. Perhaps he has no intention of doing so. But I find that it is useful to do so. If one area has several points of interest I will use letters to indicate these sub areas of the same major chamber. This is so that I can identify those other inhabitants of that general area that might be curious at the sounds of battle nearby and go investigate. Big areas often have multiple interesting features that might be best identified on your dungeon master key map. This is so that you, in the heat of the moment, do not neglect to mention critical pieces of information that the delvers might want to know about before they charge off in any direction.


I always note important traps on my maps. It is useful to have this information at your fingertips as the delvers are travelling down dark hallways and in dangerous rooms.

Dead End Hallways

I like to put some dead end hallways in my dungeons. Dead ends make the adventurers go crazy. They expect to find a trap or a secret door in each of these places. But when they do not…..they will not believe their findings. And they will spend even more time looking for them here. It drives them nuts. And I love it.

Trapped Dead End Hallways

And of course…you should trap some of these. A long dead end hallway with a rolling boulder trap at the end of it is a nice touch.

Mapping Resources

There are some good tools for map making on this black magic that you people call the internet. Some of these tools are even free.  Some of these include:

Donjon – a nice free random dungeon map generator

Donjon 5E – this one makes dungeons specifically for 5E

Gozzys – another fine random dungeon generator

Wizards of the Coast – a dungeon generator from the people who bring you D &D 5E

D20 Random Dungeon Generator – a nice generator that even gives your dungeon a suggested name

At some point in the near future I am going to talk a little more about mapping tools. Specifically I am going to tell you about some wonderful software for creating maps of your own. Unfortunately those products are not free. But they are still nice to look at.

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2 Replies to “Dungeon Maps”

  1. For anyone who doesn’t know already, that is a Dyson Logos dungeon. And you can find him on Facebook. šŸ˜‰

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