JG 270 Spies of Lightelf Review

Spies of Lightelf is the second installment of the Wilderness series published by Judges Guild. Basically these are more detailed portions of the much larger maps already provided in previous installments. These additions fill in the blanks of this much larger world. Many of the later supplements published by Judges Guild add a little bit more on to this evolving campaign world as well as adding specific adventures within it.

Spies of Lightelf was written by Bryan Hinnen and was published in 1980. It is 48 pages long and adds another 25 maps to the world. This module provides descriptions for two villages or towns. One is primarily gnomes with a few humans. The other is entirely elves. It is written for Original Dungeons and Dragons.

What I like about Spies of Lightelf

Evil gnomes? What is there not to like about that? The gnomes and humans that live in the village are mostly chaotic evil. All of the humans are. About 70% of the gnomes are evil as well. The rest are mostly neutral except for the king of the gnomes which is lawful good.

The gnomes have, more or less, been conquered by an evil kingdom of humans. And now they provide lumber to this much larger kingdom of conquerors.

What I do not like about Spies of Lightelf

The first thing that I would point out is that there is no adventure at all in this module. It is merely a description of the towns and the wider lands around them. There are no dungeons or places of exploration provided other than this.

About half of this entire booklet are hex maps of the larger lands around these two villages. The product is basically just an add on to this bigger world.

Would I recommend this module to others?

Probably not. If one wants to run a campaign in the Judges Guild game world then this probably would be useful to have. Otherwise…probably not…..

Would I run Spies of Lightelf with my own group?

No. I would not. If I ran a campaign in the Judges Guild game world then perhaps I might use this supplement but otherwise I probably would not.

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