The Cover Art on the 1st Edition AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide

The cover art on the original 1st Edition DMG is an iconic image that may well have led to some of the hysteria known as the Satanic Panic. The image, of course, does not represent Satan or anything of the sort. But those who sought to ban Dungeons and Dragons from schools and other places did not see it that way. The image looked like something Satanic therefore it was.

What is actually represented was the fabled City of Brass. The Efreeti on the cover towers high above a wizard and a fighter while holding a lovely lady who is probably a thief. At the time of the publication of the DMG there were no adventures that I know of involving the City of Brass but clearly the artist had ideas about such. Later there were some third party offerings involving this place.

The back cover of the DMG shows the City of Brass in the distance beyond a sea of fire (or perhaps lava) with a boat sailing in the foreground. The guard captain has used his magical powers to enlarge himself. It is his task to guard the entrance into the city.

The City of Brass is the center of the Efreeti world. It is set on the elemental plane of fire. The city floats on this plane in a sea of fire or lava. The city is constructed of brass. It is ruled by a great Sultan of the Efreet. It is ruled with an iron fist. It is known as the oldest city wall in existence on any plane. It is a hub for trade on the various planes of existence and is visited by many planar travelers.

I had the pleasure of seeing the original painting that was used on the cover of the DMG at GenCon 50 in Indianapolis. It was painted by David C. Sutherland III.

Exploring New Worlds

Cepheus Engine and Traveller both have the same underlying themes. Players are involved in various aspects of living and working in a futuristic space adventure. Characters have a pretty open universe to visit. They have a large sandbox to play in. The players can do pretty much whatever they want to do in it. They can take jobs in order to make money. They can commit crimes or acts of piracy. They can explore or meet new alien races. The sky is the limit.

Exploration is but one possible theme for adventure. Exploration could involve mapping massive expanses of space. Or it could involve visiting new unexplored worlds. These worlds may be hostile in more ways than one. Is it a vacuum world? Does it have the same gravity as humans are used to? Does it have an atmosphere? Is it breathable air or poisonous to humans? Do aliens live there? Do humans? Even the plant life could be dangerous.

Moons, planets, asteroids, comets and even derelict space ships or space stations could be objects of an exploration mission.

Not every adventure has to be about combat. Exploring new territory is a fine way to spend an evening at the gaming table. Wondrous things might be found on such a world. Ancient alien civilizations might be found. Relics and artifacts from dead alien races might provide interest. Animal and plant life on such a world can be the object of exploration. Strange and valuable geological finds might create interest. Clues to the origins of humanity itself might even be found!

The Picture on the Cover of the Player’s Handbook 1E

It is an iconic image for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. You know the picture I am talking about. It has the huge demon idol with two thieves trying to pry out a diamond which the idol uses for an eye. The image is known to just about everyone who plays any edition of Dungeons and Dragons but especially to those of us who have been playing the game for decades.

I began playing with 1st Edition in 1979. Since that time I have played various editions including older and newer ones.

There is a lot going on in this picture on the cover. A huge red demon with horns, diamonds for eyes and many teeth holds a fiery bowl with two other braziers nearby illuminating it. Laid before the idol are the bodies of lizard men who have been recently slain by the adventurers who are standing in front of the idol.

The adventurers are mostly looking away from the idol. They are doing various tasks that one might expect adventurers to be doing after slaying enemies in a dungeon.

Two of the adventurers are poring over a map. Did they make this map of the dungeon? Is this a map that they used to find this place? Are they planning a further expedition? Are they looking for some hidden area or secret place which is not indicated on the map but must be present due to spaces not yet found? Who are these two? Are they leaders of the group? One wears plate mail. Is he a fighter or a cleric? The other wears chain mail under a tunic. Is he a fighter?

One guy nearby is sharpening his sword. He wears chain mail and has a very long looking weapon. Clearly he expects more danger soon. Perhaps he is just cleaning the blood off of his sword.

An old man wearing a robe and carrying a staff seems to be looking off into nowhere. Is he meditating? Is he a wizard or an illusionist? Is the staff magical? Is his robe? Has he used all of his spells? Is he in deep meditation trying to regain them?

Two thieves are trying to pry out the gem eyes of the statue. Thieves do what thieves do. Will they damage the eye trying to pry it like that? Is the idol trapped in some way? What if these guys fall? How much damage would they take? Suppose that the idol is trapped and it makes the bowl that the idol holds spill flaming oil forward? That might kill several members of this group who are looking away from it! What might be hidden in the idol in other places? There are the bowl of fire and two braziers nearby. Something could be hidden in these. The mouth of the idol might hold hidden treasures or perhaps even a secret tunnel.

The back cover continues the story. One man stands guard. Are there more lizard men nearby? Are there other creatures just as dangerous that might be? He carries a sword and a shield and wears a helm. Is he a fighter then?

Two men carry a treasure chest. What is in the chest? Have they opened it yet? Are these men fighters or thieves? One appears to wear chain mail. The other has a cloak.

One man drags a lizard man body. Is he dragging it into the temple or away from it? Why is he dragging it in the first place? Is he a thief? He wears a yellow tunic. Is he just a retainer or hireling?

One man is rolling a barrel. Is the barrel treasure? Is he a thief or a retainer?

What is this place anyway? Is it a temple to this demon represented by the idol? What demon would that be anyway? Do these lizard men worship the demon or does someone else who controls these lizard men? Is this place a part of some much bigger dungeon or is this a stand alone temple?

The picture represents many things that are part of Dungeons and Dragons play. Players fight monsters, slay them and then steal their treasures. They explore dungeons and look for hidden treasures and other secrets.

This iconic image was created by D A Trampier and was published on the cover of the PHB in 1978,

Useful Links for Writing Cepheus Engine and Traveller Adventures

Over the last few years I have been writing far more Cepheus Engine adventures than OSRIC or 5E ones. This has been for a variety of reasons. While writing these adventures I have found a few very useful web sites which I visit constantly during the writing process. Some of these sites make the work far easier than it otherwise would be.

  • Maps – This web site has a ton of them. Most are fantasy related but some are sci fi or could easily be used in a sci fi adventure. Best of all? They are free! And some even come with a license to use them in commercial work.
  • Fantasy Names – Need a name for that alien race, alien world or that alien guy holding the laser pistol? Get it here.
  • Character Generator – Need stats for a guard, NPC or other person for your adventure?
  • Cepheus Engine SRD – Need the rules? They are free here.
  • Cepheus Journal – Want a free magazine that publishes great Cepheus Engine Material?
  • Dragon Articles – Articles about the Traveller RPG were occasionally offered in the old Dragon Magazine. This is a great index for finding them.
  • Sector Generator – This site has a fine sector generator and other generators useful for Traveller
  • Sector Generator Specifically for Cepheus Engine – This site has one that uses the Cepheus Engine Rules to generate a sub-sector
  • Animal Generator – This one is not perfect but it was about the best I have found so far.

Useful Links for Writing Adventures for DND 5E

With the changes to the OGL I am not sure that I will be writing much for 5E in the coming days but Dungeon Masters are presumably still safe to write their own. Here is a list of links that I have found to be useful for writing 5E adventures:

  • Maps – Maps are always needed for adventures. This site is a treasure trove for them.
  • Fantasy Names – This site has a ton of random name generators for all sorts of fantasy and sci fi needs.
  • NPC Generator – Need to generate stats for a 5E NPC?
  • Random Treasure Generator – Need to generate a random treasure for 5E?
  • Stat Blocks – 5E stat blocks are long and cumbersome. Want a site where you can copy and paste from?
  • More Stat Blocks – Need a more comprehensive Stat Block site?
  • Riddles – Riddles are often part of my adventures. Sometimes breaking up the killing spree is essential in order to give some of the quieter players in the group a chance to shine. It seems like it is usually the quiet ones that come up with the answers to puzzles and riddles and this increases participation and fun for everyone at the table. This site has a ton of riddles and answers and many are fantasy oriented.
  • City Generator – Want to make a fantasy city map for you campaign?
  • Character Creator – Want to create DND 5E Characters for play?
  • Encounter Calculator – Want to know if that encounter you just created will steam roll your player characters? Try this site to find out.

North Texas RPG Convention

I will be attending this fine old school role playing convention again this year. As I did last year I will be hosting an event or two as well as playing in the K&K social game and in many other events at the con. If you can attend I always love meeting other old school role players. Come and say hi!

I have not yet decided what I am going to run but I am considering the following:

  • Temple of Chaos (an abridged version of the adventure that I published on Dragonsfoot a few years back). I have some miniatures and table maps which I think would be fun to use with this adventure.
  • The OMN Ruins (an abridged version). I published this with Advanced Adventures (Expeditious Retreat Publishing) a few years back. I ran a different Advanced Adventure at last year’s NTPRG so I figured I might run this one this year.
  • Divine Right. I loved this old TSR board game and have not had a chance to play it in years. I would love to get the chance.
  • Diplomacy. I loved this old war game and have not played it in years either. I am not sure, however, that I could realistically fit this in to a convention gaming time slot. It takes a very long time to play.

Useful Links for Writing Adventures for OSRIC and AD&D

Over the years I have been writing adventures for OSRIC and AD&D I have come across many useful web sites that have tools. I visit these sites regularly while I am writing adventures because they honestly make my work go faster. I discover new sites all of the time as other bloggers tend to be rather creative about making such tools. These are the sites which I use most often:

  • Fantasy Name Generator – This wonderful site has names for just about anything you might need including people, monsters, places and even book names for that fantasy library
  • – This long running web site has a ton of useful resources for players and dungeon masters alike. It is primarily an old school oriented site but in recent years 5E has made an encroachment in the site. There are few 5E resources there yet but that may change. The site has many published adventures for 1E including many of my own.
  • OSRIC – This site has products and tools generated specifically for OSRIC
  • OSRIC SRD – This is the system reference document for OSRIC. It is available in multiple formats as well as softcover. It is a free download as an ebook from DRTPG.
  • Riddles – I love to sprinkle riddles and puzzles in my adventures. The puzzles are always a difficult thing to come up with but there really are no good sources of those on the web. Riddles, however, are abundant. This site has a ton of them.
  • The Dragon – Sooner or later I come across some subject that interests me and I want to read up on it from the best source of old Dungeons and Dragons material. The Dragon magazine had stuff about just about every old school topic that might interest me. Finding it, however, was always the hard part. This index makes that easier.
  • Need a map? This guy draws them daily and most are excellent for fantasy gaming. He draws far better than I ever could so I often use his maps in adventures. The best thing about these? He gives you a license to publish them in your commercial adventures (some of them) without charge. He has a Patreon thing going on and makes money from that. Give the site a visit. He has hundreds of maps there on just about every possible subject matter.

OSRIC Products Planned for 2023

With the changes to the WOTC OGL I plan to do more OSRIC products during the coming year. Some of the products that I have planned include:

  • More adventures
  • Another installment or two of Malcon’s Tomes
  • At least one more adventure involving Malcon himself

Generally I write these adventures during down time between writing Cepheus Engine material. Sometimes I just see a map or picture and get an idea in my head. Then I just sit down and write it until I get the bug out of me.

Upcoming Products for Cepheus Engine

In the near future I have many products planned for Cepheus Engine. Some of these products include:

  • Ships of the Sonora Sector
  • Combat Ships of the Sonora Sector
  • More Animals of the Sonora Sector
  • Plants and other Life Forms of the Sonora Sector
  • Many more one shot adventures
  • War between the major powers of the Sonora Sector

I plan to release many of these in the coming months. Titles may change but that is the gist of what I have planned.

War in the Frontiers of Space

If you have been reading my recent adventures for Cepheus Engine then you probably can see that things are building up to a conflict between the Olonsean Empire and the Ilsunsi Directorate. These are two alien races that live within the borders of the Sonora sector. The Ilsunsi are a highly intelligent race of beings that is very old. They have extremely high technology and may exist in other worlds beyond the Sonora sector. The Olonseans are a younger and far more aggressive species. They too may exist in other sectors beyond the Sonora. They are eagerly conquering weaker worlds and enslaving them to build war machines for them.

It it is inevitable that these two alien races would come into conflict. The Ilsunsi prefer to stick to themselves. They do not like visitors or intrusions in their space. The Olonseans live to conquer and are going to test those around them to see what they can get away with. Intimidation is part of their arsenal. Indiscriminate use of nuclear bombardment is also one of their favorite tactics to reduce resistance to their demands.

Up to this point both sides have used mercenaries and adventurers to perform hostile acts which would lead immediately to war if the other side could prove who was responsible. This proxy war has been the source of many of my most recent adventures. Soon this will become a hot war and the travelers in the Sonora sector may have little choice but to choose a side.