Another good miniature set for your collection

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In my endless quest for cheap miniatures I found another great set which is worth taking a look at if you are also interested in buying alternatives to the expensive official Dungeons and Dragons sets, Pathfinder Sets or even the Reaper ones. Those are all great minis but all get rather expensive when you start buying more than one at a time.

This set is called DRUNK’N DRAGON DND Enemies. It has twenty five pieces in the set for about $25 dollars. That is about $1 a piece. These minis are to scale and offer some really good variations for a collection.

Some of the monster choices include: lizard men, cultists, bandits, two versions of goblns, what the maker calls orcs but I say look more like ogres and something I would say looks like a Jackalwere, five of each creature.

The set is to scale and paints well.

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