Battle Maps for Traveller and Cepheus Engine

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Ok. I have talked a bit now about miniature options for Traveller and Cepheus Engine. But what kind of surface do you want to play on? You could use a grid battle map and draw your own battle map. Or you could opt for something else. Here is one interesting alternative:

This is a giant book with a spine that allows you to open the book 360 degrees or lay it flat or even fold it in half. There are 62 pages of battle map options for you to choose from. There are tons of interesting maps including some which look like ship interiors, building interiors, apocalyptic and futuristic ruins, etc.

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2 Replies to “Battle Maps for Traveller and Cepheus Engine”

  1. I’ve got to say that these giant books from Loke have really piqued my interest. I don’t do much in-person gaming anymore though. If that changes I’ll probably pick up however many of these I can find!

    1. I kind of like the big battle map idea myself. Looking through the images provided it looks like the book offers quite a bit of variety for situational gaming. Sci Fi has so many possible places in which an adventure can take place you kind of need something like that if you are going to use maps like that at all.

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