Looking for Miniature Options for Traveller or Cepheus Engine?

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Ok. I have talked a lot recently on the site about miniatures for Dungeons and Dragons. Now it is time for a little Sci-Fi love. There are some options out there. This is but one of them. In one of my recent posts I talked about the Pathfinder Pawns. Yes. There is a Starfinder version.

Starfinder is Paizo’s addition to the science fiction gaming universe. I will not go into details or comparisons about the game systems. Suffice it to say……miniatures for Starfinder are going to be the same kinds of miniatures for Traveller or Cepheus Engine. Spacemen. Aliens. Alien creatures. Etc….. There are a lot of different collections. Some are specific to Starfinder campaigns but might still have interesting pieces.

Some of the options available include:

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