Miniature Alternatives for Traveller or Cepheus Engine

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Ok. I have not bought these ones. Not yet anyway. I have not used miniatures in my Cepheus Engine gaming but have been considering it. Again…..cost is kind of prohibitive. But not to fear! There are alternatives to buying expensive miniatures. One possible choice is SCS Direct. I mentioned these in a previous article about Dungeons and Dragons miniatures but they also make some which could be used with Traveller or Cepheus Engine or any other space science fiction role playing game you are playing.

There are three sets of these. One set is mostly astronauts in vacuum suits in various poses. There are also a couple of other interesting pieces with the set including space monkeys, satellites and rockets. The last two pieces are far from being to scale but still might be useful in some instances.

The second set is humans and aliens. Humans in one color and aliens in the other. Like plastic army men doing battle. The third set is robots and fighting machines.

All three are quite applicable to sci fi games. Each set is differently priced but the most expensive is $25 and the cheapest is about $20. The robot set comes with 52 pieces, the other sets are 92 and 100 pieces. These are quite affordable if you find the pieces that you need for your games.

As I stated earlier. I do not own these sets. I do, however, own the Dungeons and Dragons related ones. Those painted well but are not perfectly to scale. Most of these appear that they are close to being to scale except for the satellites and rockets.

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