SCS Direct Play Sets as Miniatures for Dungeons and Dragons

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Ok. A few years back I was looking for alternatives to buying the official WOTC Miniatures, the Pathfinder Minis or the Reaper ones. It is not that those minis are not great. They are. But they are also quite expensive. If you needed multiples of something like say….Orcs…..well are you really going to pay $4 or $5 a package to buy two of them at a time to build up a group of 10 or 12 that you really need for an encounter. I mean….how often do your players encounter just two of any kind of minor humanoid? Not very often I suspect….

So I am playing around on Amazon searching for toys instead of minis and what do I find? Two awesome sets which offer multiples of many common monsters for Dungeons and Dragons for one low price each. These are far cheaper than buying minis. They also paint fairly well. I have painted a ton of them already and I sent a bunch to my sister in Houston who needed a hobby. She painted a bunch of them as well.

Two sets are more or less fantasy monsters. The other is more classic horror type creatures like werewolves, vampires, mummies, etc….. Both sets are like 100ish pieces for about $25. That is like a quarter per miniature as opposed to the $2 a piece (when you buy a $4 set from WOTC). Not all of the minis are perfectly to scale for Dungeons and Dragons though. Some are. Some are not. But considering the price…. I can live with some of them not being perfect. They also offer some aliens and space men which would be perfect for Traveller campaigns.

Take a look at both sets and see if they might help you build your miniature collection at a more affordable price than you were expecting. I think you might find these to be quite useful.

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