The Zanzian Campaign Part Two

My current group started as five players playing five characters. It is a fairly balanced party. There are two fighters, a cleric, a magic user and a thief. There are two humans, two half orcs and an elf in the group. This is an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition campaign. Unfortunately, work demands and schedules, have reduced my number of players from five to two. Sometimes a third player, who was one of the originals, returns when he is in town. 

The group has completed the Malcon campaign (until he returns of course) and then embarked upon an adventure in the Astral Plane. After completing that adventure they returned to their keeps only to find an immediate threat to their estates. A dark and mysterious castle appeared almost over night. It towers above their keeps from a mountain that also did not exist when they last visited home. At the request of the king they are now investigating this castle.

The adventures traveled to the top of the mountain and found the drawbridge and towers manned by fire giants. They defeated a large party of fire giants inside the castle’s main hall. And then they defeated more of them guarding a staircase. They found a secret tunnel leading into caves intertwined with molten lava. Inside of these caves they engaged a party of Salamanders and then defeated a group of Scorpion Men. They are resting and healing their wounds now before continuing their exploration of this mysterious castle.

And now….the adventure continues……

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